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Version: v2.0

Getting started with Portal in React

We've made it simple to get started with Portal with our Portal React Component. Here's what you'll need to know to begin.


You'll need a license key to continue. Log in to your account to access the Flatfile dashboard. Head to the Flows section in the left-hand navigation pane and find your license key under the Portal tab.

Install and import


This import has recently changed.

npm install --save @flatfile/react@^0

This gives you access to the FlatfileButton component, which has the same basic functionality as our Adapter.

import { FlatfileButton } from "@flatfile/react";

This brings the FlatfileButton component into your project.

Configure your settings and usage

To launch, the FlatfileButton component must have settings , customer and licenseKey as properties.

Basic Usage

licenseKey="Your License Key"
companyId: "ABC-123",
companyName: "ABC Corp.",
email: "",
name: "John Smith",
userId: "12345",
type: "Contact",
fields: [
{ label: "Full Name", key: "name" },
{ label: "Email", key: "email" },
managed: true,
onData={async (results) => {
// Do something with the data here
return "Done!";
Import Contacts

Here is a list of all the properties that are configurable with the <FlatfileButton> component. Visit out settings guide to learn about each in greater depth.

  • settings - Required - Pass in an object containing the import type and your fields . For a list of the other optional settings, check out our options documentation here.
  • customer - Required - Pass in an object that identifies the customer uploading the file. This refers the the setCustomer() function on our SDK, and the same object should be passed in here.
  • licenseKey - Required - In order to access our product, a license key is required. The license key can be found in your dashboard by logging in here.
  • onCancel - This allows you to pass in a callback function that will run if the user cancels out of the import.
  • onData - This allows you to return a new Promise to handle the Flatfile results when returned.
  • onRecordChange - This provides access to Flatfile's record hooks when a record changes.
  • onRecordInit - This provides access to Flatfile's record hooks when a record initializes.
  • fieldHooks - This allows you to pass in one or more field hooks as separate callback functions.
  • source - This allows you to start the importer with source data instead of with a file. It can accept the data as a CSV string or an InputObject.
  • render - The render property allows for you to pass in your own components or buttons to use in place of the standard Flatfile UI element.

Full Usage

import React from "react";
import { FlatfileButton } from "@flatfile/react";

export const MyFakeUI = () => {
return (
<h1>Import using Flatfile</h1>
type: "test import",
fields: [
{ label: "name", key: "name" },
{ label: "Email", key: "email" }
licenseKey={"Your license key here"}
companyId: "ABC-123",
companyName: "ABC Corp.",
email: "",
name: "John Smith",
userId: "12345"
onData={async (results) => {
// do something with the results
onRecordChange={(record) =>
return { name: { value: + " from change" };
onRecordInit={(record) =>
return { name: { value: + " from init" };
email: (values) =>
return[item, index]) => [
{ value: item + ".au" },
onCancel={() => {
render={(importer, launch) => {
return <button onClick={launch}>Upload file</button>;

Try our example in CodeSandbox.