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After your customers have imported their data, the process of transmitting that
data to an external destination or network is referred to as “egress out.”
This code listens for a job event of type workbook:submitAction and when
triggered, it retrieves the Sheets and records associated with the workbook.
It then prepares the data and sends a POST request to a specified webhook URL
using Axios. The payload includes information about the Sheets, records, and
other relevant data.
If the request is successful, it marks the job as complete. If there is an
error, it marks the job as failed.
Copy the value of the path after for Your unique URL.
Next, add the following to your default export function.
//your workbook should have an action that looks like thisactions:[{operation:'submitActionFg',mode:'foreground',label:'Submit data elsewhere',type:'string',description:'Submit this data to a webhook.',primary:true,},{...}],settings:{trackChanges:true,}
red.on("job:ready",{job:"workbook:submitAction"},async(event:FlatfileEvent)=>{const{ jobId, workbookId }= event.context;const{data: workbook }=await api.workbooks.get(workbookId);const{data: workbookSheets }=await api.sheets.list({ workbookId });const sheets =[];for(const[_, element]of workbookSheets.entries()){const{data: records }=await api.records.get(; sheets.push({...element,...records,});}try{await,{info:"Starting job to submit action to",progress:10,});// TODO: place your webhook url hereconst webhookReceiver ="";const response =awaitfetch(webhookReceiver,{method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",},body:JSON.stringify({workbook:{...workbook, sheets,},}),});if(response.status===200){const responseData =await response.json();const rejections = responseData.rejections;if(rejections){const outcome =awaitresponseRejectionHandler(rejections);await, outcome);}await,{outcome:{message:`Data was successfully submitted to Go check it out at ${webhookReceiver}.`,},});}else{thrownewError("Failed to submit data to");}return;}catch(error){console.error(error);await,{outcome:{message:"This job failed probably because it couldn't find the URL.",},});return;}});// See full code example (