July 2024

July 17, 2024



The CSS variable --ff-color-text has been renamed to --ff-text-color to be consistent with other variable names. This change affects the text color used throughout the Flatfile React components.

July 16, 2024



This exciting release adds internationalization support to the Flatfile JavaScript SDK. The SDK now detects the user’s browser language or allows specifying an override language. Translation strings are provided for the confirmation modal, error modal, and other UI elements. The SDK also includes functionality to handle missing translation keys and log them to the console.

Additionally, this release updates the modal logic to use functional components and make the text strings dynamic based on the provided translations or defaults.

A new util function initializeIFrameConfirmationModal is introduced to handle mounting the confirmation modal and its associated behaviors onto the iFrame wrapper element. This function takes callbacks for the modal’s button click actions (exit or stay) and text string providers for the modal’s title, message, and button labels.

July 08, 2024



The FlatfileProvider component now accepts a new styleSheetOptions prop which allows setting the nonce value and position of the injected stylesheet. This gives more control over how the styles are applied.

The package now contains utility functions attachStyleSheet and styleInject to dynamically inject the stylesheet into the DOM at runtime. This replaces the previous import of the stylesheet directly.

June 2024

June 28, 2024



The createlistener function now takes an additional onClose parameter. This function is used to handle the closing of the Flatfile space, and it removes the event listener and cleans up the DOM elements associated with the Flatfile space. The initializeIFrameConfirmationModal function has also been updated to use the new closeSpaceNow function, which simplifies the process of closing the Flatfile space.

June 25, 2024



A bug fix for issues with the closeSpace.onClose() function. This function is called when the Flatfile space is closed, and the bug fix ensures that it works correctly.

An improvement to the closing behavior of the Flatfile space. Instead of removing the iframe element immediately, a new closeSpaceNow function is introduced, which handles removing the necessary elements and event listeners in a more organized manner.

There is also an update to the way the confirmation modal is displayed when closing the Flatfile space. Instead of using a separate event listener, the closing logic is now handled within the existing closeFlatfileSpace function, which listens for the job:outcome-acknowledged event and triggers the closing process accordingly.

June 16, 2024



The latest release of the flatfile package includes improvements for handling file uploads and inferring event topics from arrays. Listeners using an array syntax listener.on(['commit:created', 'layer:created'], (event) => {} will now correctly infer the event topics.

This release also includes a fix for handling file uploads with updated event flatfile.upload

May 2024

May 24, 2024



This release includes a fix to address instances where the iframe wasn’t ready when the portal:initialize call was posted. The fix ensures that the portal:initialize message is sent to the iframe only after it has finished loading. This resolves an issue where the initialization process could sometimes fail due to the iframe not being ready. Developers using the @flatfile/react package will benefit from a more reliable initialization process for the embedded Flatfile experience.

The new useIsIFrameLoaded hook listens for the load event on the iframe and updates a state variable accordingly. The portal:initialize message is then sent only when the iframe has finished loading, ensuring a reliable initialization process.

May 22, 2024



This release adds the ability to set the default page when preloading the Flatfile Portal embed. Use updateDefaultPageInSpace and findDefaultPage to specify which workbook, sheet, or document page should display initially.

May 21, 2024



The unmount() method has been added, allowing developers to cleanly disconnect the event listener from the event driver. The EventDriver class now includes unmountEventHandler() to remove attached event handlers, providing more control over event listeners.

May 01, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.3.4, @flatfile/javascript@1.3.6, @flatfile/listener@1.0.4, @flatfile/react@7.9.3

The closeSpace.operation and closeSpace.onClose properties are now optional, offering more flexibility. The @flatfile/embedded-utils dependency is updated to version 1.2.1, simplifying event listener setup with handlePostMessage.

@flatfile/listener now has optimized build tooling and updated dependencies, improving compatibility and performance.

April 2024 (5)

April 27, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.3.3, @flatfile/react@7.9.2

This release enables clipboard read and write functionality within the embedded Flatfile iframe component. Also, @flatfile/embedded-utils is updated to version 1.2.0.

April 17, 2024



This release improves the submission process. After data upload, the onSubmit action handlers now acknowledge the job automatically, enhancing user feedback.

April 10, 2024


@flatfile/listener@1.0.2, @flatfile/react@7.9.0

@flatfile/listener now supports removing event listeners with off() and detach() methods. The FlatfileProvider component sets up a FlatfileContext with configurations for Space, Workbook, Document, and event handlers.

April 05, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.3.2, @flatfile/react@7.8.12

Updates to dependencies and improvements in performance for both packages. @flatfile/embedded-utils dependency updated to 1.1.14.

April 03, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.3.1, @flatfile/react@7.8.11

Updated @flatfile/embedded-utils to version 1.1.13. Simplified logic for setting sidebarConfig when initializing a new Flatfile import space.

March 2024 (3)

March 22, 2024



Fixed a bug in the usePortal hook related to the onSubmit function, ensuring reliable unmounting of the iframe.

March 15, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.3.0, @flatfile/react@7.8.9

Added initNewSpace utility to create a new space, workbook, and document in a single API request. The environmentId parameter is now optional.

March 08, 2024



Fixed an issue where the embedded Flatfile iframe would not be removed properly if there was an error during initialization.

February 2024 (7)

February 29, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.2.6, @flatfile/react@7.8.7

Updated the space creation request to only include defined parameters. Improved reliability and efficiency of data import experience.

February 28, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.2.5, @flatfile/react@7.8.6

startFlatfile function now accepts new optional parameters, including namespace, metadata, labels, translation path, and language override, providing more customization.

February 26, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.2.3, @flatfile/javascript@1.2.4, @flatfile/react@7.8.4, @flatfile/react@7.8.5

Updated default spaces URL to avoid unnecessary preflight requests. Improved support for nested entrypoints in package.json.

February 20, 2024



Fixed bug related to updating the authentication token for the @flatfile/listener package, ensuring secure and authorized communication.

February 07, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.2.2, @flatfile/listener@1.0.1, @flatfile/react@7.8.2

Added exports and browser fields in package.json for better module resolution and compatibility. Updated dependencies for improved stability.

February 06, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.1.7, @flatfile/javascript@1.2.0, @flatfile/javascript@1.2.1, @flatfile/react@7.8.0, @flatfile/react@7.8.1

Removed global style overrides from SDKs, improving compatibility. Updated dependencies and improved type support for better integration experience.

February 01, 2024



Added functionality to remove the event listener after submit and close actions, improving memory management.

January 2024 (10)

January 31, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.1.5, @flatfile/listener@0.4.2

The @flatfile/javascript package update includes a better-organized package.json and fixes for type conflicts with peer dependencies. These changes ensure a smoother development experience and easier integration. The @flatfile/listener package resolves type conflicts with peer dependencies and improves type compatibility.

January 30, 2024



The confirmation modal’s close action is now independent of user parameters, ensuring the modal is consistently removed from the DOM when closed.

January 26, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@1.1.3, @flatfile/listener@0.4.1

The @flatfile/javascript package consolidates source code, generates type declarations, and re-exports modules for convenience. The @flatfile/listener package update enhances exports and adds dotenv dependency for better environment variable management.

January 24, 2024



This release fixes an issue when reusing an existing Flatfile space and adds support for passing an existing space object to startFlatfile.

January 19, 2024



The new release introduces preloading the Flatfile embed iFrame, initializing without a space ID, and adding additional metadata when creating a space. The pubnub dependency has been removed.

Updated to version 1.1.1 with a bug fix and dependency updates for improved reliability.

January 10, 2024


@flatfile/react@7.5.4, @flatfile/react@7.6.0

The @flatfile/react update bundles @flatfile/api and removes the pubnub dependency. The package now listens for window message events directly.

January 09, 2024


@flatfile/javascript@0.3.2, @flatfile/listener@0.4.0, @flatfile/react@7.5.3

Updates include better browser compatibility, gzipping request bodies, and using Rollup for bundling. Dependencies for @flatfile/react are also updated for better performance and reliability.

January 08, 2024



The @flatfile/react package removes the styled-components dependency, migrating styles to SCSS for improved performance and maintainability.

January 05, 2024



The @flatfile/listener package now compresses the request body using pako compression by default when calling the update() method. This reduces network bandwidth usage and transfer times.

January 03, 2024



The EventCallback type now expects a Promise to be returned, allowing developers to use async/await for greater flexibility and control over asynchronous operations.

December 2023 (4)

December 21, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.3.1, @flatfile/react@7.5.1

The UMD build file for the @flatfile/javascript package is renamed to dist/index.js. The @flatfile/react package update simplifies the import process by using dist/index.js for browser environments.

December 19, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.3.0, @flatfile/react@7.5.0

The @flatfile/javascript package includes bundle optimizations and a new option to keep the space after submitting data. The @flatfile/react package improves accessibility with the close button’s type="button" attribute and adds the option to keep the space active after submission.

December 13, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.2.2, @flatfile/react@7.4.0

The @flatfile/javascript package introduces a new Simplified React Flow and updates dependencies. The @flatfile/react package adds a usePortal hook for a smoother integration experience.

December 01, 2023



The useSpaceTrigger hook has been renamed to initializeFlatfile, and createOrUseSpace has been renamed to OpenEmbed for better clarity.

November 2023 (8)

November 28, 2023



Re-introduces the initializeFlatfile method, fixing issues with the submit action and simplifying the user experience.

November 27, 2023



Simplifies the integration flow by allowing developers to provide sheet configurations directly and introducing new utilities for record-level hooks and job submissions.

November 15, 2023



The new useSpaceTrigger hook allows developers to control when the Flatfile import experience is triggered.

November 10, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.1.27, @flatfile/react@7.2.34

All parameters are now seamlessly passed to the API when creating a Workbook client-side.

November 9, 2023


@flatfile/react@7.2.32 & @flatfile/react@7.2.33

Removed styled-components from peer dependencies and resolving an issue with the change.

November 8, 2023



Resolved an issue where axios and its associated HTTP methods were unavailable.

November 6, 2023



  • Implemented UMD build type for seamless compatibility with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).
  • Updated dependencies: @flatfile/listener@0.3.16



Adds UMD build type for working with CDNs.

November 1, 2023


@flatfile/react@7.2.31 & @flatfile/javascript@0.1.24

  • Enhanced performance by updating package versions and removing unused dependencies
  • Updated dependencies: @flatfile/embedded-utils@1.0.7

October 2023 (4)

October 29, 2023


@flatfile/react@7.2.29-30 & @flatfile/javascript@0.1.22-3

Implemented the use of rollup.js for bundling purposes, enhancing the project’s build process.

October 19, 2023


@flatfile/react@7.2.28 & @flatfile/javascript@0.1.21

  • Updated dependency: @flatfile/api@1.5.31



Streamlined the project by removing the unnecessary dotenv dependency, resulting in a cleaner and more efficient codebase.

October 16, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.1.19 & @flatfile/react@7.2.27

When creating a Space, you may like to receive the spaceId that was created to tie it back to something in your platform. You can now receive this in the Javascript SDK. This functionality is coming soon for the React SDK.

October 12, 2023



When creating a Space, you may like to receive the spaceId that was created to tie it back to something in your platform. You can now receive this in the Javascript SDK. This functionality is coming soon for the React SDK.

September 2023 (3)

September 29, 2023


@flatfile/javascript@0.1.17 & @flatfile/react@7.2.24

In this version, we’ve made two important updates:

Auto-Added Labels for Embedded Spaces: Embedded spaces now come with auto-generated labels (that will be displayed in your Spaces Dashboard) for easier navigation and organization.

Listener loading Reordered: The listener is now created before the Workbook, allowing you to listen for workbook creation events within your listener for more streamlined and effective integration in client-side listeners.

September 20, 2023



You can now use @flatfile/api inside a client-side listener without needing a secret key. The listener will instead use the accessToken created from your publishableKey.


@flatfile/javascript@0.1.11 & @flatfile/react@7.2.21

In this version, we’ve made two important updates:

  1. We’ve changed the default setting for sidebarConfig to hide the sidebar, providing a cleaner and more focused workspace.
  2. Now, when no workbook is set, autoConfigure is automatically turned on for Space creation. This enables you to listen for the space:configure job in a server side listener.



In this update, we’ve resolved a pesky bug that caused the message generated by recordHook to be overwritten when bulkRecordHook was also in use.

Our solution? We’ve introduced caching, ensuring that both messages can coexist harmoniously.

September 12, 2023


@flatfile/react@7.2.20 & @flatfile/javascript@0.1.8

@flatfile/react@7.2.20 & @flatfile/javascript@0.1.8

This version update introduces proper class names on the Error container so you can more easily control the look and feel of this component.

See all classes that can be overridden in CSS in the Reference.

August 2023 (3)

August 30, 2023



This version introduces the following notable updates:

  • Enhanced Close Dialog: Class names have been incorporated for all elements within the close dialog, which becomes visible when closing the embedded Flatfile component. This improvement gives you more control on styling.

  • Utilization of Shared Utilities: The integration now utilizes the shared @flatfile/embedded-utils module. This change lays the groundwork for consistent properties to be shared across all Flatfile wrapper SDKs, promoting standardization and ease of maintenance.

  • Dependency Refinement: The dependencies on vite and @flatfile/configure have been removed. This streamlines the codebase and reduces unnecessary dependencies, contributing to a more efficient and lightweight integration.

August 24, 2023



An improvement was made to add the userInfo param on metadata in a more comprehensible way.

August 20, 2023



The response type for the getRecordsAsCSV endpoint was incorrectly typed as a string instead of a file. This fixes downloading a sheet as a CSV via SDk.



This version has four great updates:

  • Previously, you had to fake-out TypeScript because the event time was not exposed (it was a private class variable) for FlatfileEvents. We have now added createdAt to the FlatfileEvent.
  • Axios responses 200-399 now no longer throw Errors.
  • Created a secrets cache based on spaceId.
    • Previously, if your listener fetched secrets for multiple environments, those maps would entirely override each other.
    • If your listener fetched spaceId overrides first, and then environment — you would get the space id overrides.
  • We now make sure that the fetch URL in the listener is formatted properly whether or not the user puts a trailing slash in the environment variable.


@flatfile/listener@0.3.14 event.secrets now defaults to spaceId. It will throw if no environmentId is available for secrets retrieval.


@flatfile/react@7.2.15 You can now pass in a spacebody. This will allow you to send more than any already-defined parameters allowed on space creation.


@flatfile/react@7.2.14 The close button and iframe now have a proper class name to allow for CSS overrides.