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This plugin handles response rejections returned from an external source.

npm i @flatfile/util-response-rejection
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@flatfile/util-response-rejection 2k installs

The @flatfile/util-response-rejection utility is built to handle response rejections from an external source. It is designed to be used as a rejection response handler in an egress listener.

Response Rejection


The purpose of @flatfile/util-response-rejection utility is to handle cases where some Records were rejected during an egress process. The responseRejectionHandler function is designed to consume a set of sheets containing rejected Records, and then process the rejected Records by marking the offending Record fields with the returned rejection message indicating why they were rejected. If the response value of deleteSubmitted is true, the successfully submitted values will be deleted from the Sheet. If deleteSubmitted is false or not provided, a Submission Status field is added to the Sheet and each Record is set to either "Submitted" or "Rejected". In the end, it returns a total count of all rejected Records across all sheets that can be used in a Job completion message.

npm i @flatfile/util-response-rejection
import {
} from "@flatfile/util-response-rejection";

Response Rejection Handler Function

  • The responseRejectionHandler function is the main entry point of the utility. It takes one parameter:
    • responseRejection: An object containing the rejection data. This object's structure is defined by the RejectionResponse interface.
  • The responseRejectionHandler function returns a Promise that resolves to a number representing the total number of rejected Records across all sheets.
  { job: "workbook:submitActionFg" },
  async ({ context: { jobId } }) => {
    // ...
    const response = await"", data, {
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    const rejections: RejectionResponse =;
    if (rejections) {
      return await responseRejectionHandler(rejections);
    // ...

RejectionResponse Interface

The RejectionResponse interface defines the structure of the responseRejection parameter object that is passed into the responseRejectionHandler function. This RejectionResponse's structure is as follows:

{ // RejectionResponse interface
  id: string; // The Workbook ID
  message: "Success! All records are valid.", // Optional
  deleteSubmitted: true, // Optional
  sheets: [
    { // SheetRejections interface
      sheetId: string; // The Sheet ID
      rejectedRecords: [
        { // RecordRejections interface
          id: string; // The Record ID
          values: [
              field: string; // The field key
              message: string;
        // other rejected records...
    // other sheets...

The message property is optional. If provided, this message will be displayed to the user. This message should be set for either a successful submission or a rejection submission. The deleteSubmitted property is optional. If true, the successfully submitted values will be deleted from the Sheet. If false or not provided, a Submission Status field is added to the Sheet and each Record is set to either "Submitted" or "Rejected".

Helper Functions

  • The code includes a helper functions to assist in the Flatfile Sheet update process:
    • updateSheet: Updates a Flatfile Sheet by adding the returned rejection messages as error messages on the Records.

Type Definitions

  • The code defines three interfaces: RejectionResponse, SheetRejections and RecordRejections. These interfaces represent the structure expected by the responseRejectionHandler().