Browse plugins


A validator plugin for phone number formatting on individual data records in Flatfile.

npm i @flatfile/plugin-validate-phone
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@flatfile/plugin-validate-phone 5 installs
libphonenumber-js@^1.11.10, @flatfile/plugin-record-hook@^2.0.0


The @flatfile/plugin-validate-phone plugin offers a convenient way to validate phone numbers. By setting up an event listener for the commit:created event, this plugin seamlessly integrates with the data processing flow. This plugins supports phone number formatting for multiple countries (US, UK, India, Germany, France, and Brazil).

Event Type: listener.on('commit:created')


config.sheetSlug - string - default: ** - (optional)

The sheetSlug parameter is the slug of the sheet you want to listen to. By default it listens to commits in all sheets.

config.phoneField - string

The phoneField parameter is the phone field's name.

config.countryField - string

The countryField parameter is the country field's name.

config.autoConvert - boolean - default: true - (optional)

The autoConvert parameter allows you to specify whether the field's format will automatically be converted.

config.concurrency - number - default: 10 - (optional)

The concurrency parameter allows you to specify the number of records to process concurrently.

config.debug - boolean - default: false - (optional)

The debug parameter allows you to turn on debug logging.

config.format - NumberFormat - default: 'NATIONAL' - (optional)

The format parameter specifies the desired output format for the phone number. Options include 'NATIONAL', 'INTERNATIONAL', 'E164', 'RFC3966', and 'SIGNIFICANT'.

config.formatOptions - FormatNumberOptions - (optional)

The formatOptions parameter allows you to pass additional formatting options as defined by the libphonenumber-js library.


npm install @flatfile/plugin-validate-phone


import validatePhone from '@flatfile/plugin-validate-phone';

Example Usage

This example sets up a record hook using listener.use to validate and format phone numbers in the "my-sheet" sheet which contains a phone number field called phone_number and a country field called country_code.

import { FlatfileListener } from '@flatfile/listener';
import validatePhone from '@flatfile/plugin-validate-phone';

export default function (listener: FlatfileListener) {
    sheetSlug: 'my-sheet',
    phoneField: 'phone_number',
    countryField: 'country_code',
    autoConvert: true,
    format: 'INTERNATIONAL',
    formatOptions: { formatExtension: 'national' }

  // ... rest of your Flatfile listener