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A Flatfile Listener plugin for email validation

npm i @flatfile/plugin-validate-email
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@flatfile/plugin-validate-email 15 installs

The @flatfile/plugin-validate-email plugin offers a convenient way to validate email addresses in your Flatfile sheets. This plugin seamlessly integrates with the data processing flow by setting up a record hook. It supports email format validation, checks against disposable email domains, and provides customizable error messages.

Plugin Type: Record Hook


config.sheetSlug - string - default: ** - (optional)

The sheetSlug parameter is the slug of the sheet you want to apply the validation to. By default, it applies to all sheets.

config.emailFields - string[]

An array of field names to validate as email addresses.

config.errorMessages - object - (optional)

Custom error messages for different validation scenarios. Available keys:

  • required: Message for missing email
  • invalid: Message for invalid email format
  • disposable: Message for disposable email domains
  • domain: Message for invalid domains (not used in current implementation)


npm install @flatfile/plugin-validate-email


import { emailValidationPlugin } from '@flatfile/plugin-validate-email';

Example Usage

This example sets up a record hook using listener.use to validate email fields in all sheets.

import { FlatfileListener } from '@flatfile/listener';
import { emailValidationPlugin } from '@flatfile/plugin-validate-email';

export default function (listener: FlatfileListener) {
    emailFields: ['email', 'alternativeEmail'],
    errorMessages: {
      required: 'Please provide an email address',
      invalid: 'The email address is not valid',
      disposable: 'Disposable email addresses are not allowed'

  // ... rest of your Flatfile listener