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A Flatfile plugin for boolean validation with multi-language support

npm i @flatfile/plugin-validate-boolean
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@flatfile/plugin-validate-boolean 14 installs


The @flatfile/plugin-validate-boolean plugin provides comprehensive boolean validation capabilities, offering flexible configuration options to handle various boolean representations across different languages and use cases.

Event Type: listener.on('commit:created')


  • Supports both strict and truthy boolean validation
  • Multi-language support (English, Spanish, French, German)
  • Custom mapping for boolean values
  • Case-sensitive and case-insensitive options
  • Configurable null value handling
  • Option to convert non-boolean values
  • Custom error messages
  • Default value setting


To install the plugin, run the following command:

npm install @flatfile/plugin-validate-boolean

Example Usage

import { validateBoolean } from '@flatfile/plugin-validate-boolean';

    fields: ['isActive', 'hasSubscription'],
    validationType: 'truthy',
    language: 'en',
    handleNull: 'false',
    convertNonBoolean: true


The BooleanValidator function accepts a configuration object with the following properties:

  • fields: An array of field names to validate
  • validationType: 'strict' or 'truthy'
  • customMapping: A custom mapping of string values to boolean
  • caseSensitive: Whether the validation should be case-sensitive
  • handleNull: How to handle null values ('error', 'false', 'true', or 'skip')
  • convertNonBoolean: Whether to convert non-boolean values to boolean
  • language: The language for predefined mappings ('en', 'es', 'fr', 'de')
  • customErrorMessages: Custom error messages for different scenarios
  • defaultValue: A default value to use for invalid inputs


  1. Strict Validation: Only accepts 'true', 'false', true, or false as valid inputs.
  2. Truthy Validation: Accepts various representations of true/false, including language-specific terms.
  3. Null Handling: Configurable behavior for null or undefined values.
  4. Non-Boolean Conversion: Option to convert non-boolean values to boolean.
  5. Error Handling: Adds errors or info messages to the record for invalid inputs.
  6. Default Value: Option to set a default value for invalid inputs instead of raising an error.

The plugin can be used either as a RecordHook or as an external constraint, providing flexibility in integration with your Flatfile setup.