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A plugin for handling Flatfile Jobs.

npm i @flatfile/plugin-job-handler
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@flatfile/plugin-job-handler 22k installs

The @flatfile/plugin-job-handler package is a plugin designed to streamline handling Flatfile Jobs, which are a large unit of work performed asynchronously on a resource such as a file, Workbook, or Sheet.

Event Type: listener.on('job:ready')


job - string - (required)

The job parameter is applied as a filter when listening for job:ready.

handler - function - (required)

The handler parameter is a callback where you execute your code. It accepts two arguments: event and tick.

  • event: Represents the FlatfileEvent, giving context to the handler.
  • tick: A function that can be used to update Job progress. It accepts two parameters:
    • progress: A number between 0 and 100 indicating the progress percentage.
    • message: An optional descriptive string.

Invoking the tick function returns a promise that resolves to a JobResponse object. However, using the tick function is optional.

opts.debug - boolean - default: false

The debug parameter is used to enable debug logging for the plugin.


The jobHandler plugin manages Flatfile Jobs. It listens for the job:ready event and screens it based on the job parameter.

When a job:ready event occurs:

  • The handler callback is triggered with the FlatfileEvent and an optional tick function.
  • This tick function, if used, updates the Job's progress.
  • The handler may yield a promise that culminates in a JobResponse object, allowing for a customized successful Job status.


npm i @flatfile/plugin-job-handler


import { jobHandler } from "@flatfile/plugin-job-handler";

Replace "domain:operation" with the domain and operation you want to listen for.


  jobHandler("domain:operation", async (event, tick) => {
    try {
      // your code here...
      await tick(50, "Halfway there!"); // update Job progress
      // ...continue your code...
      await tick(75, "Three quarters there!"); // update Job progress
      // ...continue your code...
      return {
        outcome: {
          message: "Job complete",
    } catch (error) {
      throw error; // will fail the Job