Browse plugins


A plugin for parsing markdown files in Flatfile.

npm i @flatfile/plugin-extract-markdown
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@flatfile/plugin-extract-markdown 8 installs

The @flatfile/plugin-markdown-extractor plugin parses Markdown files and extracts tabular data, creating sheets in Flatfile for each table found.

Event Type: listener.on('file:created')

Supported file types: .md

When embedding Flatfile, this plugin should be deployed in a server-side listener. Learn more


options.maxTables - default: Infinity - number - (optional)

The maxTables parameter allows you to limit the number of tables extracted from a single Markdown file.

options.errorHandling - default: "lenient" - "strict" | "lenient" - (optional)

The errorHandling parameter determines how the plugin handles parsing errors. In 'strict' mode, it throws errors, while in 'lenient' mode, it logs warnings and skips problematic tables.

options.debug - default: false - boolean - (optional)

The debug parameter enables additional logging for troubleshooting.


Listen for a Markdown file to be uploaded to Flatfile. The platform will then extract the file automatically. Once complete, the file will be ready for import in the Files area.

npm i @flatfile/plugin-markdown-extractor
import { MarkdownExtractor } from "@flatfile/plugin-markdown-extractor";

Full Example

In this example, the MarkdownExtractor is initialized with custom options, and then registered as middleware with the Flatfile listener. When a Markdown file is uploaded, the plugin will extract the tabular data and process it using the extractor's parser.

import { MarkdownExtractor } from "@flatfile/plugin-markdown-extractor";

export default async function (listener) {
  // Define optional options for the extractor
  const options = {
    maxTables: 5,
    errorHandling: 'strict',
    debug: true

  // Initialize the Markdown extractor
  const markdownExtractor = MarkdownExtractor(options);

  // Register the extractor as a middleware for the Flatfile listener

  // When a Markdown file is uploaded, the tabular data will be extracted and processed using the extractor's parser.

This plugin will create a new sheet for each table found in the Markdown file, with the table headers becoming field names and the rows becoming records.