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A Flatfile plugin for currency conversion using Open Exchange Rates API

npm i @flatfile/plugin-convert-currency
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@flatfile/plugin-convert-currency 0 installs
cross-fetch@^3.1.5, @flatfile/plugin-record-hook@^2.0.0


This plugin implements a currency converter for Flatfile using the Open Exchange Rates API. It allows automatic conversion of currency amounts in your Flatfile sheets, with support for historical exchange rates.

Event Type: listener.on('commit:created')

Supported Field Types: string, number


  • Automatic currency conversion based on configurable fields
  • Support for historical exchange rates using a date field
  • Configurable source and target currencies
  • Optional fields for storing exchange rates and conversion dates
  • Comprehensive error handling and validation
  • Uses the Open Exchange Rates API for up-to-date and historical exchange rates


sheetSlug - string - (required)

The slug of the sheet where the plugin should operate.

sourceCurrency - string - (required)

The source currency code (e.g., "USD").

targetCurrency - string - (required)

The target currency code (e.g., "EUR").

amountField - string - (required)

The field name containing the amount to be converted.

dateField - string - (optional)

The field name containing the date for historical rates.

convertedAmountField - string - (required)

The field name where the converted amount will be stored.

exchangeRateField - string - (optional)

The field name where the exchange rate will be stored.

conversionDateField - string - (optional)

The field name where the conversion date will be stored.


Environment Variables

Add the following environment variables to your space:

  • OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY - Your Open Exchange Rates API key


npm install @flatfile/plugin-convert-currency


import { FlatfileListener } from "@flatfile/listener";
import { currencyConverterPlugin } from "@flatfile/plugin-convert-currency";


const listener = new FlatfileListener();

    sheetSlug: "transactions",
    sourceCurrency: "USD",
    targetCurrency: "EUR",
    amountField: "amount",
    dateField: "transactionDate",
    convertedAmountField: "amountInEUR",
    exchangeRateField: "exchangeRate",
    conversionDateField: "conversionDate",


This example sets up a currency conversion plugin for the "transactions" sheet. It will automatically convert amounts from USD to EUR for each record in the sheet.

import { FlatfileListener } from "@flatfile/listener";
import { currencyConverterPlugin } from "@flatfile/plugin-convert-currency";

export default function (listener: FlatfileListener) {
      sheetSlug: "transactions",
      sourceCurrency: "USD",
      targetCurrency: "EUR",
      amountField: "amount",
      dateField: "transactionDate",
      convertedAmountField: "amountInEUR",
      exchangeRateField: "exchangeRate",
      conversionDateField: "conversionDate",

  listener.on("job:ready", async (event) => {
    const { jobId, workbookId } = event.context;
    await event.actions.updateJob(jobId, {
      status: "complete",
      info: "Currency conversion complete",

In this example, the plugin will:

  1. Validate the configuration upon initialization
  2. Process each record in the "transactions" sheet
  3. If autoConvert is true:
    • Check for a valid amount in the "amount" field
    • Use the date in the "transactionDate" field for historical rates (if present)
    • Call the Open Exchange Rates API to get the exchange rate
    • Calculate the converted amount and store it in the "amountInEUR" field
    • Store the exchange rate in the "exchangeRate" field
    • Store the conversion date in the "conversionDate" field
  4. Handle errors and add them to the respective fields or as general errors to the record

The job:ready event listener is used to mark the job as complete after the conversion process.

Note: This plugin requires an active subscription to the Open Exchange Rates API.