Osmind finds peace of mind in a simple Flatfile solution

Results with Flatfile:

minutes to onboard a customer
faster onboarding

The challenge

Osmind is a Mental Health Software company that empowers clinicians and researchers to bring innovative treatments to their patients. Onboarding new customers requires the transfer of patient electronic health records (EHRs) from the customer’s system into Osmind’s system. This had been a manual process requiring multiple back-and-forth iterations to ensure that all of the required data was accurately transferred.

The impetus for change

The manual process can take an average of two weeks to complete a single EHR. This creates an inability to communicate exactly when records are going to be made available to the company. When Osmind’s new client acquisitions began to surge, its data transfer bottleneck became a serious problem.


Using Flatfile Workspaces, Osmind was able to streamline its transfer process for electronic health records. The simplicity of the Flatfile user interface allowed for fast resolution to formatting errors and anomalies, enabling swift processing. Flatfile’s compliance with HIPAA and other standards assures Osmind that its sensitive health records are handled securely.

"The first time I imported an EHR file, it was really exciting to see how quickly it all went. One of our engineers set up the template for me, so all I had to do was upload the file, check for errors, hit approve, and then upload it to our internal system. All of this took me about 10 minutes. I was used to spending as much as two weeks on a single EHR file. The difference Flatfile made was truly amazing.” "

Rachel Rosenberg, Customer Operations Lead


Osmind reduced the time it takes to transfer electronic health records (EHRs) from two weeks to about 10 minutes. That is a 480x increase in EHR processing speed. The shortened transfer times have given Osmind the visibility and control they sought over their electronic records, enabling them to better serve their customers and more accurately plan for the future.

About Osmind

People living with mental health conditions deserve the highest standards of safe, effective, life-saving treatment. Osmind is a Public Benefit Corporation accelerating technology and research to ensure access to care for patients of all backgrounds.

About Flatfile

Flatfile, the pioneer of AI-assisted data exchange, provides companies and their software development teams with the easiest, fastest and safest way to build the ideal data file import experience for their users. Hundreds of companies such as ADP, AstraZeneca, Square and Sage rely on Flatfile’s extensible, API-first platform to create enterprise-scale, intelligent, file-based data import solutions, increase developer productivity, reduce cost and improve data quality. Find out what Flatfile can do for your business.

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