Sheet Component Overview

The Sheet component is a fundamental part of the @flatfile/react package, designed to handle the configuration and management of a single data sheet within a Flatfile import process. It provides a declarative way to define the structure, validation, and manipulation of data records.

Main Props

  • config: An object that defines the sheet’s configuration, including its name, slug, and fields.

    • name: The human-readable name of the sheet.
    • slug: A unique identifier for the sheet, used for referencing in the import process.
    • fields: An array of objects defining the structure and constraints of each field in the sheet.
  • onSubmit: A callback function that is invoked when the sheet’s data is successfully submitted. It receives the submitted data as an argument.

  • onRecordHook: A function that allows for custom manipulation of each record during the import process. It is called for each record and can modify, validate, or enrich the record data.

  • submitSettings: An object for customizing the behavior of the sheet’s submission process, such as handling errors or setting a completion message.

Example usage:

const App = () => {
  const sheetConfig: Flatfile.SheetConfig = {
    name: "Users",
    slug: "users",
    fields: [
      { key: "name", label: "Name", type: "string" },
      { key: "email", label: "Email", type: "string" },
  const handleSubmit = (data) => {
    console.log("Submitted data:", data);
  const handleRecord = (record) => {
    record.set("name", record.get("name").toUpperCase());
  return (

In this example, the Sheet component is configured with a config object that defines the structure of the “Users” sheet. The onSubmit callback logs the submitted data, while the onRecordHook function modifies each record by converting the “name” field to uppercase.

The Sheet component simplifies the process of defining and managing data sheets within a Flatfile import workflow, making it easier to create custom import experiences in your React application.

For more details, refer to the code in the Sheet.tsx file in the Flatfile SDK