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Data exchange

If you're working with CSV or Excel spreadsheets or trying to import any data file or type, you're in the right place

"AI-powered data file imports" on a white background with icons representing AI transforming an address
Data exchange

How AI supercharges data file imports

Written by Gottfried Sehringer

March 06, 2024

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"ETL and data file exchange" on a white background with images that represent ETL and data exchange
Data exchange

Like chocolate and peanut butter: When to use ETL, data file exchange (or both!)

Knowing when to take advantage of the benefits that data exchange and ETL offer can help you make informed decisions and stay competitive in a da...

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"How data exchange can speed up CSV and Excel imports" on a white background with an icon that looks like a fast file over a spreadsheet
Data exchange

9 ways a data file exchange solution can speed up CSV and Excel imports

Traditional data file import methods usually have serious limitations. Find out how data file exchange can accelerate CSV and Excel imports.

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All posts in Data exchange

"What is data mapping?" on a white background with icons representing information being mapped into cells in a column
Data exchange

The ultimate introduction to data mapping

Find out how what data mapping is and how it can help organize your data chaos into a structured, meaningful format.

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Data normalization concept with icons representing duplicates, errors and normalized data
Data exchange

Data normalization: Manual vs. automatic

Data normalization is essential for clean, usable data. Find out why it's important and how it can be done automatically.

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Data onboarding process concept: Icons representing different file types being added to a spreadsheet
Data exchange

Data onboarding: The complete guide

What is data onboarding and how does it work? Here's everything you need to know about creating a successful data onboarding process.

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"Data exchange checklist" on a white background with icons representing files and a checklist
Data exchange

The data file exchange checklist: How to choose the ideal solution for your needs

A data exchange solution can can help you import the data files you need. Keep these key factors in mind as you choose the right platform for you...

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Icon representing a CSV file surrounded with icons representing data import errors
Data exchange

Why you can't import data from that CSV file (and what you can do about it)

There are numerous reasons your CSV file might not be uploading properly, but many are easy to fix. Find out how to solve common CSV data import ...

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The top Excel data import errors and how to fix them concept with icons and dotted lines
Data exchange

The top 6 Excel data import errors and how to fix them

Learn the most common Excel data import errors and how you can avoid errors when migrating data from Excel into software applications.

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"Data exchange solutions vs. CSV import tools" on a white background with icons that represent the choices
Data exchange

CSV import tool or data file exchange solution: How to pick the right one for your needs

Choosing between a CSV importer and a data exchange solution can directly impact your success. These are the key factors to evaluate for an infor...

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CSV file icon surrounded by question marks in a black and white table
Data exchange

What is a CSV file: A comprehensive guide

Learn what (exactly) a CSV file is, how they’re used in different types of software applications, and how to edit, create and import them.

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Image depicting 6 common CSV import errors and a rectangular box that says "CSV Import failed"
Data exchange

6 common CSV import errors and how to fix them

Discover the top 6 most common CSV import errors that companies experience when uploading data and how to fix them.

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