
The @flatfile/plugin-record-hook plugin offers a convenient way to execute custom logic on individual data records within Flatfile. By setting up an event listener for the commit:created event, this plugin seamlessly integrates with the data processing flow.

Event Type:




The sheetSlug parameter is the slug of the sheet you want to listen to.


The callback parameter takes a function that will be run on the record or records.

default: "10_000"

The chunkSize parameter allows you to specify the quantity of records to in each chunk.

default: "1"

The parallel parameter allows you to specify the number of chunks to process in parallel.

Imported NPM Packages


npm i @flatfile/plugin-record-hook @flatfile/hooks


Pass bulkRecordHook or recordHook to a Flatfile data listener and provide a function to run when data is added or updated.

Listen for data changes

Set up a listener to configure Flatfile and respond to data Events. Then use this plugin to set up a hook that responds to data changes.

Additional Options

bulkRecordHook can accept additional properties. Props will be passed along to the transformer.

Flexible Options

default: "5000"

Define how many records you want to process in each batch. This allows you to balance efficiency and resource utilization based on your specific use case. The maximum batch size is 5000 and is the default setting.

default: "1"

Choose whether the records should be processed in parallel. This enables you to optimize the execution time when dealing with large datasets.

Example Usage

This example sets up a record hook using listener.use to modify records in the “my-sheet” sheet.

When a record is processed by the hook, it checks if an email address is missing, empty, or invalid, and if so, it logs corresponding error messages and adds them to a form validation context (if the r object is related to form validation). This helps ensure that only valid email addresses are accepted in the application.

In the bulkRecordHook example, it passes a chunkSize of 100 and asks the hooks to run 2 at a time via the parallel property.

See the code